Sunday, July 3, 2011

“You can’t be a life saver if you look like all the other swimmers on the beach.”

The title is from a talk by Elder Dallin H. Oaks at the April 2009 General Conference and I absolutely love it.

To me, dressing modestly is extremely important. It's about respect for myself, the Lord, and those around me. When I dress modestly, I feel beautiful for who I am and who I can become, regardless of how the world would define beauty. Modesty is not so much about rules saying what I should and shouldn't wear as it is about keeping my mind and heart pure, and preparing to make and keep sacred covenants someday in the Temple. I wish so much that all Young Women could understand that. It's not about restriction, it's about freedom, protection, respect, chastity and true, radiant, inextinguishable beauty.

Another important point is that dressing modestly does not have to mean dressing drably or unfashionably. My whole life, I have been taught to dress modestly, and as I've grown old enough to choose my own clothes and my own style, I never feel the need to depart from the standards I know are right. Furthermore, I'm no fashionista, and I'm not trying to boast or anything, but I often have people complimenting me on my outfit, which just goes to show that even though you don't need to dress for others' approval, you still get it! :P

The purpose of that was just to explain my own standards and what I believe, not to criticise others'. For more on modesty, click here. :)

Anyways, lately I've been on a few shopping expeditions which is both good and bad... good for my wardrobe, bad for my bank account.

We've discovered an awesome op shop where, every Friday, everything is $1. Yep, that's right, one dollar.

The first time I went (a couple of weeks ago), I bought a plain striped top, a striped skivvy tunic to wear with jeans or a black skirt, a dress which was too short so I cut off the top and made a cute floral skirt, a light pink Sportsgirl dress (also to wear with jeans) and a warm cosy striped sweater to curl up in :) Oh, and a brown leather Country Road belt (not pictured). All for a grand total of seven dollars. Sweeet.

Last Friday before work, my sister, Dad and I paid the little gold mine another visit, and this time I managed to snag a blue cardigan, red-and-white striped top, a faux brown leather jacket (which I was tempted to buy new not long ago... luckily I didn't) and a blue knitted hoodie.

I was really happy about the jacket (for one dollar, who wouldn't be?) and I decided to wear it (with a lace top/dress, jeans and boots) the next day to go shopping, this time with my little sister. We went to the local mall and after much deliberation, I bought these boots from Target for $28.50, and this cute flowered headband from Sportsgirl for $3.50. I'd seen one of them on someone's blog the other day and thought it was super cute, but hadn't seen any in the shops really, till I saw this one... on sale, too. It makes me feel like a fairy princess. :D



  1. A shop where everything is $1?? And the clothes are cute?? Girl, where is this place? I must know. My wallet is begging me for a break, haha.

  2. I know, isn't it awesome? :D
    Unfortunately, it's in Australia :P
    But keep looking, I'm sure you'll find some bargains near you! :)
