Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day of Rest

This is going to be a very awkward first post. Just saying. I have, however, decided to skip the whole self introduction thing, as I'm still not sure what my purpose in blogging is. Is it for me? For others? Just for kicks? Only time will tell...

Today has been rather good. I woke up early, realised I had left my phone on all night to my best friend (we'd both fallen asleep mid-conversation) so I woke him up for Church (his ward meets in the morning), talked for a bit then fell back asleep. When I woke up again, after prayers and scripture reading, I fiiinally updated my rather neglected journal and realised it is almost full! I shall have to get a new one soon. By this time, it was already 11.30 so I leapt up and got myself ready for Church (our ward starts at one o'clock) which was made a lot quicker by the fact that it was Fast Sunday so I didn't need to fuss around with breakfast or lunch. :)

Church was delightful, as per usual. I enjoyed listening to everyone's testimony in Sacrament Meeting but I didn't get up to bear mine this month. Perhaps in August. In Young Single Adult class we talked about Christ's Atonement which is always good, and our teacher (a recently returned missionary) told us a good motto: Be a better person today than you were yesterday. I am going to try to follow that one. :)

I missed half of Relief Society for tithing settlement and other secretary duties (taking handouts/announcements to the women down in Primary and Nursery) but the little bit of the lesson I did catch was really nice. A quote I rather liked was from Sister Hinckley's book, “Small and Simple Things”. It reads, “I have two choices: I can choose to be happy, or I can choose to be sad.” This week, as one of my goals, I've decided to choose happiness over anger or misery. Especially since one thing I have been fasting for today is to be able to control my temper better in order to be able to love people more. So yeah. Wish me luck.

After Church, the missionaries came over for dinner, and my mum made pasta bake. Yum yum. Haha I just realised if anybody actually ever read this, it would sound like a whole lot of mumbo-jumbo if they weren't a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints like me. We really do speak a whole other language sometimes. :P

But I know that the gospel is true and that's all that matters. :)

Well, that has been my day so far, and as it is now 8:42 pm, I think it's safe to assume nothing too crazy will happen between now and when I go to sleep. Fingers crossed for that one, though.

I have, however, decided that because both looking nice and dressing modestly are very important to me, I may post some pictures, thoughts and ideas later. We shall see.


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