Friday, July 29, 2011

& we find out what we're made of when we are called to help our friends in need. ♫

Today's favourite song is Count on Me by Bruno Mars... so sweet. :)

Semester Two started this Monday... it's been so hard to get back into the routine. I'm really enjoying my classes so far, though: Sociology, Psychology, Italian and Ancient History (Rome). Also, I had a really good experience on the bus home yesterday...

At Institute on Wednesday night (a scripture study/church class), we talked a bit about how when people sit next to us on the bus or the train, we usually look down, turn our music up or pull out a book and hope they won't try to talk to us. Then, we talked about how everyone around us is a child of God, and Heavenly Father wants every single one of us to come unto Him. And who is going to help find all His lost sheep? We all have the responsibility to reach out to others.

Anyways, with this in mind, I was sitting on the bus, listening to music on my phone when a man came and sat next to me. I looked up and smiled at him as I moved my bag over, then continued listening to my music. All of a sudden, I thought, 'I should read my scriptures instead.' So I put my phone away, pulled out a mini copy of the book of Mormon (which I had borrowed from my little sister a few days prior), opened to Mormon 8 where I was up to and began to read. I could feel his gaze on me a few times, and I wasn't sure if I was supposed to say something, but I decided to just wait. I stumbled across a verse of particular interest to me, and got out a little notebook I have to write down impressions, notes, etc. As I wrote down my thoughts, I angled my scriptures so he could see the front cover. I still wasn't sure what was supposed to happen but then he spoke. He asked me if I was a Mormon, and if we believed in Jesus Christ. With a prayer in my heart that I wouldn't mess everything up, I showed him the subtitle of the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. He was surprised but interested, because a lot of other churches say that we aren't Christian. To me, this a little ignorant, as the church is called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and we believe completely in Jesus Christ and His Atonement.

Our conversation following was rather nice, reflecting on Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ's relationship with us, and an explanation of the Book of Mormon and Bible's complementary nature. When I reached my stop, I left the man with the scriptures and a pass-along card with the missionaries' number on it, and invited him to read it then call them if he had any questions or wanted to know more. And that was that. I love it how Heavenly Father puts people in our path to uplift and share the gospel with, and I'm so glad I listened to the promptings, because sometimes it's easier to ignore them or drown them out.

Anyways, I was just really grateful for that experience, it made my whole week. Hopefully that man's, too. :)

I love the gospel, it blesses my life so much. I don't know where I would be without a knowledge of who I am, where I come from and where I'm going. And as that EFY song says, "How can I keep this gift to myself, when I can lift somebody else?"

♥ Sariah

Sunday, July 10, 2011

& there is sunshine in my soul today. ♫

Just a quick post, because I have to go to bed soon.

The title is from a hymn, it kept playing in my head when I was trying to think of a title. And I suppose there is sunshine in my soul right now, so there it shall stay. As the title, I mean... hopefully in my soul as well. :D

Today was a thoroughly wonderful Sabbath Day. :)

I woke up about 8 am, read my scriptures, ate breakfast, read over today's Relief Society Lesson (about Family Responsibilities... I was called up as an emergency teacher), looked up the scriptures, set my alarm to 10.30 and went back to sleep. :D

Sacrament meeting was lovely, we heard from the two missionaries serving in our ward, and a recently returned sister missionary. They spoke of, funnily enough, missionary work. I wish I were more diligent in that area, but I guess all I can do is set goals and try harder. In my first few weeks of uni, I had lots of (small but awesome) missionary experiences, because I set little goals, each one stretching myself a little further, until I was able to bear my testimony and give a Book of Mormon to a stranger on the bus. He actually initiated the conversation, so it was a little easier for me. I invited him to the General Conference broadcast, but he never showed up. Still, I hope the little seed I helped to plant will someday grow into something more. I don't know... but the Lord does. :) Anyways, so yeah, definitely room for improvement from me lately.

Our Young Single Adults lesson was... well, to be honest, rather non-existent. We did have a few people share missionary experiences, though, and had a brief discussion about what it means to be a witness. So it was still nice. By this time, I was feeling a little nervous about the lesson I was to be teaching next... For starters, it was mainly about parenting and uhh.. yeah... I don't exactly have any children yet. Because of this, I decided to focus on the discussion questions and get as much input from the class as possible. Overall, I think it went fairly well. Our Relief Society sisters sure love to talk, so I needn't have worried so much. :P

After Church, I went to a missionary preparation class, where we learnt about Christ's Atonement. It was a beautiful lesson, and at the end we watched a video about forgiveness, which I shall maybe put here later when I have time to find it. :)

Oh yes, and before I forget, here are two outfits for you, as I haven't really posted any... Sorry about the cheesy mirror shots, and the dodgy quality... I was just using my phone camera. :P

Jacket: thrifted ($1)
White lacy singlet over white top: thrifted
black skirt (my favourite skirt... a little big so I have to pin it at the back but it folds really well into the pleats): thrifted ($4)
Belt: Country Road (thrifted - $1)
Jewellery: miscellaneous, mainly gifted

Denim shirt (usually I wear it as a jacket): freee from a neighbour :D
Jeans: Jayjays, hand-me-down
Boots: Kmart ($19)
Hair bow: Cotton On ($1)

Hopefully more later. Have a lovely night. :)

♥ Sariah

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I'm no beauty queen, I'm just beautiful me. ♫♥

As corny as it is, I love Who Says by Selena Gomez. So true. :)

Today I had a pyjama day. A trip to the library yesterday with the younger siblings provided me with (almost) enough mental stimulation to keep me from going crazy, cooped up inside all day. Since uni started, I haven't really read anything substantial besides my scriptures and uni textbooks. I was delighted to discover that one of my favourite books, "Stargirl" by Jerry Spinelli, has a sequel! :D It's called "Love, Stargirl" and is so amazingly adorable. A little cry-worthy, too, if you're soft like me. :P It really made me think, too. About a number of things. Firstly, what kind of mark I'm making. Am I too wrapped up in my self to be truly involved in the lives and cares of others? Stargirl was happiest, and her truest self, when she was looking out for others, when she sought out those who had a need and filled it. Actually it reminds me of a poem President Thomas S. Monson quoted in a talk once:

I have wept in the night
For the shortness of sight
That to somebody’s need made me blind;
But I never have yet
Felt a tinge of regret
For being a little too kind.

Why do we hesitate? Why do walk past with our gaze fixed to the ground, pretending we don't see the eyes that call out for help? What are we afraid of? Most of the time, it's not because we're lazy, or heartless. So what is it?

I'm going to find out what it is in my life. And then, build a bridge and get over it. Gifts from God are given to be shared. That's all I'm saying.

Oh, and the other thing the book made me think about was this:

"Who are you if you lose your favorite person? Can you lose your favorite person without losing yourself?"

Good question. Which then spurs the next one: do you ever really lose someone you love? I don't think so. They'll always be there somewhere; in the songs you sing or the thoughts you think or the way you bounce your leg up and down when you're sitting. They become a part of you. So maybe you only lose your favourite person if you lose yourself. Hmm.

♥ Sariah

Sunday, July 3, 2011

“You can’t be a life saver if you look like all the other swimmers on the beach.”

The title is from a talk by Elder Dallin H. Oaks at the April 2009 General Conference and I absolutely love it.

To me, dressing modestly is extremely important. It's about respect for myself, the Lord, and those around me. When I dress modestly, I feel beautiful for who I am and who I can become, regardless of how the world would define beauty. Modesty is not so much about rules saying what I should and shouldn't wear as it is about keeping my mind and heart pure, and preparing to make and keep sacred covenants someday in the Temple. I wish so much that all Young Women could understand that. It's not about restriction, it's about freedom, protection, respect, chastity and true, radiant, inextinguishable beauty.

Another important point is that dressing modestly does not have to mean dressing drably or unfashionably. My whole life, I have been taught to dress modestly, and as I've grown old enough to choose my own clothes and my own style, I never feel the need to depart from the standards I know are right. Furthermore, I'm no fashionista, and I'm not trying to boast or anything, but I often have people complimenting me on my outfit, which just goes to show that even though you don't need to dress for others' approval, you still get it! :P

The purpose of that was just to explain my own standards and what I believe, not to criticise others'. For more on modesty, click here. :)

Anyways, lately I've been on a few shopping expeditions which is both good and bad... good for my wardrobe, bad for my bank account.

We've discovered an awesome op shop where, every Friday, everything is $1. Yep, that's right, one dollar.

The first time I went (a couple of weeks ago), I bought a plain striped top, a striped skivvy tunic to wear with jeans or a black skirt, a dress which was too short so I cut off the top and made a cute floral skirt, a light pink Sportsgirl dress (also to wear with jeans) and a warm cosy striped sweater to curl up in :) Oh, and a brown leather Country Road belt (not pictured). All for a grand total of seven dollars. Sweeet.

Last Friday before work, my sister, Dad and I paid the little gold mine another visit, and this time I managed to snag a blue cardigan, red-and-white striped top, a faux brown leather jacket (which I was tempted to buy new not long ago... luckily I didn't) and a blue knitted hoodie.

I was really happy about the jacket (for one dollar, who wouldn't be?) and I decided to wear it (with a lace top/dress, jeans and boots) the next day to go shopping, this time with my little sister. We went to the local mall and after much deliberation, I bought these boots from Target for $28.50, and this cute flowered headband from Sportsgirl for $3.50. I'd seen one of them on someone's blog the other day and thought it was super cute, but hadn't seen any in the shops really, till I saw this one... on sale, too. It makes me feel like a fairy princess. :D


Day of Rest

This is going to be a very awkward first post. Just saying. I have, however, decided to skip the whole self introduction thing, as I'm still not sure what my purpose in blogging is. Is it for me? For others? Just for kicks? Only time will tell...

Today has been rather good. I woke up early, realised I had left my phone on all night to my best friend (we'd both fallen asleep mid-conversation) so I woke him up for Church (his ward meets in the morning), talked for a bit then fell back asleep. When I woke up again, after prayers and scripture reading, I fiiinally updated my rather neglected journal and realised it is almost full! I shall have to get a new one soon. By this time, it was already 11.30 so I leapt up and got myself ready for Church (our ward starts at one o'clock) which was made a lot quicker by the fact that it was Fast Sunday so I didn't need to fuss around with breakfast or lunch. :)

Church was delightful, as per usual. I enjoyed listening to everyone's testimony in Sacrament Meeting but I didn't get up to bear mine this month. Perhaps in August. In Young Single Adult class we talked about Christ's Atonement which is always good, and our teacher (a recently returned missionary) told us a good motto: Be a better person today than you were yesterday. I am going to try to follow that one. :)

I missed half of Relief Society for tithing settlement and other secretary duties (taking handouts/announcements to the women down in Primary and Nursery) but the little bit of the lesson I did catch was really nice. A quote I rather liked was from Sister Hinckley's book, “Small and Simple Things”. It reads, “I have two choices: I can choose to be happy, or I can choose to be sad.” This week, as one of my goals, I've decided to choose happiness over anger or misery. Especially since one thing I have been fasting for today is to be able to control my temper better in order to be able to love people more. So yeah. Wish me luck.

After Church, the missionaries came over for dinner, and my mum made pasta bake. Yum yum. Haha I just realised if anybody actually ever read this, it would sound like a whole lot of mumbo-jumbo if they weren't a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints like me. We really do speak a whole other language sometimes. :P

But I know that the gospel is true and that's all that matters. :)

Well, that has been my day so far, and as it is now 8:42 pm, I think it's safe to assume nothing too crazy will happen between now and when I go to sleep. Fingers crossed for that one, though.

I have, however, decided that because both looking nice and dressing modestly are very important to me, I may post some pictures, thoughts and ideas later. We shall see.
